Sam Page

wedding-sam young-sam

About Me:

I was born in Evanston Hospital. My family lived in Chicago until I was two when they decided to move to a northern suburb called Northfield. Growing up I had many hobbies. Always having a love for music, the drums became my favorite instrument, and I started lessons in the sixth grade. I played a little bit of almost every sport, but was best at hockey and played from kindergarten until highschool. I attended New Trier High School and graduated in 2010. From there I went on to Northeastern Illinois University, Oakton Community College, and DePaul University. Never quite sure of what I wanted to do, I ultimately took a job in the service industry where I continued to serve/bartend for almost nine years. My brother who works in recruiting, specifically for software development positions, proposed coding to me. I was intruiged and asked him more and that is when he recommended doing a bootcamp. The rest... is history!


Contact Me

an old fashioned phone